What is the difference between the original T3-R and the newer T3-R Ultra Triple High Impact Ultrasonic Repellers?

Short Answer: The T3-R Ultra has louder speakers and is better for getting rid of squirrels.
Detailed Answer Below:
Both the T3-R and T3-R Ultra use the same physical housing. Every T3-R and T3-R Ultra has a five-foot power cord as well as three speakers: two large speakers and one small separate speaker.
The two large speakers are 270 degrees wide, which allows the sound to spread out and cover a large area. This is great for inside coverage, for example when a mouse gets into a basement, or a roof rat gets into the attic. These speakers constantly cycle through the hearing range of these problem rodents; a good analogy would be a car alarm as it cycles through a range of sounds. Rodents are unable to get used to the sounds as they are constantly changing! These two large speakers are activated by themselves when the devices are set to Ultra Mode or together with the small speaker when the devices are set to Duo Mode.
Contra wise, the small speaker emits a solid blasting tone, like a car horn or foghorn. This constant sound never stops and becomes an inescapable source of irritation. This small speaker is activated by itself when the devices are set to Trans Mode or together with the large speakers when the devices are set to Duo Mode.
Of the three most common problem-causing rodents, squirrels hear the lowest frequencies (the same as humans plus a little into frequencies above the average human hearing range), rats hear the mid-range frequencies, and mice can hear the highest frequencies.
At the time, most customers had problems inside their homes or businesses, so we designed the original T3-R Triple High Impact Mice, Rat, Rodent Repeller to cycle through these specific frequencies to drive rodents out and away from these indoor locations. The speakers are strong enough to fill any one single room or open area that is up to 6,000 square feet in size.
Over time, customers began requesting more and more help with squirrels and other outdoor problems. To this end, we created the T3-R Ultra with extra squirrel support in 2020. The Ultra T3-R still runs through the same rodent-repulsing frequencies, but we designed it to spend more time cycling through the lower frequencies to specifically target squirrels, while still repelling mice and rats.
We also boosted the speakers so that they are strong enough to fill any single room or open area up to 6,500 square feet…. Or to be used outside where there aren’t walls or doors to contain and echo the ultrasonic sounds and the device must compete with outdoor noises, such as kids playing in the yard or a neighbor’s barking dog.
Pro Tip: When using a T3-R or T3-R Ultra outdoors, it’s best to aim the speakers directly at the problem area, like aiming a flashlight. A common example would be when squirrels are climbing a specific tree to get onto your roof: you could use an extension cord to place the T3-R at the base of the tree and lay it on its back so that the speakers are aimed up the trunk towards the branches.